Support the Modesto Symphony Orchestra
Your support helps us not only bring high-quality orchestral music to the community, but it helps us to enrich lives through our music education and engagement programs. These programs would not survive on our ticket revenue alone. To keep our artistic, education, and outreach programs alive, we rely on the generosity of our community that invests in a harmonious future.
Give the Gift of Music
We appreciate support in all forms, and we also encourage giving in a myriad of ways. Create a long-lasting legacy with the Modesto Symphony Orchestra today!
Individual Annual Giving
Join our growing community of music lovers and enjoy the rewards membership has to offer!
Corporate Partnerships
Gain prestige and visibility by contributing to the cultural life of your community. Join our list of business supporters and become a corporate partner today!
Planned & Estate Giving
Plan a gift that will leave a lasting legacy: gifts through your IRA, securities, wills and properties.
Gifts to the endowment help sustain the Modesto Symphony Orchestra into the future.