Do I need to be enrolled in a school music program?

MSYO programs are designed to complement members’ personal music development – not be a substitute for other means of instruction. The MSYO strongly suggests that all members contribute their talents to their appropriate school instrumental program, where available. This supports our school music curriculum and helps to provide strong leadership and musical role models in the school environment. We believe in the value of music education in collaboration with our community.

Do I need to take private lessons to participate in MSYO?

We strongly encourage students to take weekly private lessons to develop their individual technique and musicality to the highest level possible. The value of individualized instruction on one’s instrument is unmeasurable. A list of private instructors is available upon request. It is in the students’ best interest to study with a professional who has credentials and experience with the particular instrument.

How much is MSYO tuition?

MSYO tuition is $440 per season when paid in a lump sum at the beginning of the year or $480 per season if paid via a payment plan. MSYO families with more than one child participating in any given year will receive a 20% sibling discount after the first full tuition. Please note that it is the family’s responsibility to keep all active MSYO members’ tuition accounts in good standing. The MSYO reserves the right to not allow participation in concerts if a member has an outstanding tuition balance and there are no prior arrangements made with the Finance Department.

What If I am Unable to Attend A Concert?

If you are unable to attend a concert, please call the Gallo Center for the Arts Ticket Office at (209) 338-2100 as far in advance as possible (up to one hour prior to a performance) to offer your tickets for resale.  Their value is a tax-deductible contribution to the Modesto Symphony Orchestra.

Ticket Exchanges: MSO Subscribers unable to attend on a particular date can exchange their tickets up to 24 hours in advance of the performance date being returned. If the new performance selection should have a higher ticket price, the patron will pay the additional sum of money. If the new performance selection has a lower ticket price, there will be no refund for the price difference.