Celebrating Support

Memorials & Tributes

The MSOA is grateful for the generosity of the following donors who made tributes to loved ones, between January 5, 2024 through January 5, 2025.


Will Aprile
Judy Aprile  

Betty Beard 
Maree Hawkins 
Victoria Higginbotham 
Ken White & Robin Johnson

Kwei-Cee Chu
Robert A. Saunders

Bev Finley
Dr. Phillip & Margaret Beck 
Dr. Richard & Nancy Fisher 
Caroline Nickel & Tony Vlcek
Sam & Alyne Oppenheim 
Randy & Judge Sue Siefkin 

George Gagos
Mitch & Leesa Gagos

J. Wilmar Jensen
Sheila Carroll 
Holley Coppetti
Eric Fontana 
Dianne Gagos 
Ronald Hillberg 
Thomas & Carolyn Killeen 
Dorrie Newton
Caroline Nickel & Tony Vlcek 
Katherine Olyphant-Wright 
Manon Palitz 
Steve & Pam Pallios 
Robert A. Saunders 
Elizabeth Ustach 
Margaret Wu 

Elizabeth Kidwell
K. D. Arakelian 
Dr. Phillip & Margaret Beck 
Carole Boyett 
Betty Brugger 
Toni Clark 
Dean & Karen Hammer 
Sharon Holdridge 
Anne Martin 
Caroline Nickel & Tony Vlcek 
Erin Nishimori 
Donna Pierce 
Betty Ray 
Robert A. Saunders 
Jerel Steckling 
Kurt & Liz Stoebe 
Erlene Swanson 
Christine Wallis 
Tom Watling 
Patricia Wickstrom

Ron Klinkenborg
In loving memory of our Papa  
Ken Newburg 

Thomas Knight
Anthony Alonzo 
Carol Feuer 
Caroline Nickel & Tony Vlcek 
Barbara Palitz 
Robert A. Saunders

Dorothy & Wayne Montgomery
Melissa Miller-Henson

R.J. Moriconi
Carol Feuer 
Michael & Rose King 
Robert A. Saunders 
Randy & Sue Siefkin

Rod Motto
Caroline Nickel & Tony Vlcek

Caroline Nakashima
Sheryl Sauter 
Naomi Wong 

John Nickel
Ginger & Kent Johnson 
Caroline Nickel & Tony Vlcek 
Robert A. Saunders 
Vera Vlcek

Miriam Olsen
Betty Beard 
James Beard 
Ron & Lynn Dickerson 
Gary & Peggy Drach 
Margaret McFarlin 
Caroline Nickel & Tony Vlcek 
Ruthann Olsen
Bill & Cathie Peck
Deni Royer 
Robert A. Saunders 

Jeanne Perry
Katherine Olyphant-Wright

R.V. "Bud" & Patricia Stone
Carole Boyett

David Vander Wall
Sheila Carroll
Dianne Gagos
Caroline Nickel & Tony Vlcek

Past MSO Chorus Members 
Carol Berberian
Kwei-Cee Chu
Tobi Clark
J. F. Clegg
Ryan Cree
Eleanor Currie
Luana Fiorini
Gordon Headrick
Ed Howard
Kathy Klein
Roy Larson
Grace Lieberman
Willie Loeser
Heidi Lofgren
Carol McMillan
Bill Nichols
Nancy Rider
Robert L. Rider
Margaret Scheuber
Elizabeth Sinclair
Maryann Victorine
Penny White

MSO Chorus 



Happy 20th Birthdate Phil Beck!
Hugh & Willie Rose

Dianne Gagos
Mitch & Leesa Gagos 

Dr. Harvey Palitz
Anna Whitebread

Robert A. Saunders
William & Claudia Saunders 

Ruth & Dale Smith
Mary Partheymuller