MSO’s 90th Season Reimagined Through Virtual Programming


This season marks the Modesto Symphony Orchestra’s 90th season. Back in March, we were preparing to announce a full slate of concerts including our 26th annual Picnic at the Pops, another thrilling live movie concert, and our five Music Director candidates that would help lead us into a new era. With the reality of not being able to have in-person concerts through March 2021, a new era is certainly upon us, though not the way we anticipated. 

Our reimagined 2020-21 Season will include free virtual events once a month to stay connected with the community. In July we started our MSO at Home series with a live recital featuring MSO pianist John Hillebrandt as he performed from his living room. John impressed viewers as he performed pieces by Ravel, Chopin, and one of his own compositions. We then featured our Concertmaster Dan Flanagan in August. Dan showed off his versatility when he performed two newly composed pieces inspired by paintings from his extensive collection, he displayed his technical mastery with a Bach sonata, and topped it off with a variety of fiddle tunes! Recordings of both recitals are still available on our website if you missed the live performances or want to relive the fun. Future programs will feature other MSO musicians and guest artists in recital, as well as the Modesto Symphony Youth Orchestra. Our virtual events, as well as our education programs, are made possible by the generosity of our dedicated supporters. 

Though, like most cultural organizations across the country, the MSO has not been immune to the financial repercussions due to the pandemic. In light of our concert cancellations, we had to make some cost-saving measures that include the furlough of musicians and the restructuring of staff and duties. 

Through these trying changes, the MSO Board of Directors remain focused on long term viability while continuing to fulfill our mission of enriching lives through music and music education. We have rescheduled our Music Director finalists’ debuts for the 2021-22 season. Though we wish they could have conducted this year, they all remain excited about the opportunity to perform in Modesto and to meet the community. 

The Modesto Symphony Youth Orchestra (MSYO) will continue to meet and have virtual rehearsals and concerts. We have already received over 60 audition videos for the upcoming 2020-21 MSYO Season. Additionally, we are continuing to work with local schools and offer support for music education including engaging MSO musicians to perform and work with students. However, the Modesto Symphony Orchestra Chorus and Youth Chorus are suspended until it is safe to meet and sing together in-person. 

The MSO believes in the power of music to bring people together and to create a sense of community and these are two things we need more than ever. Stay tuned–further announcements about our new virtual offerings are coming soon. This year will be our most innovative season yet and we can’t wait to experience it with you.